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Blade Runner

The two defining movies in Ridley Scott's career would be his two very famous movies Blade Runner (1982) and Alien (1979

The films owes a lot of its pitch-black aesthetics to 1930s and 40s film noir.

Some examples of the film noir aesthetics in Blade Runner are ; dark light , black and white shots , shadows and silhouettes .
Image result for bladerunner     

Neo Noir is a revival or similar style of film noir , including updated themes , content , style and visual elements of film. 

Within the film Ridley Scott identifies a lot of different themes including deception ,betrayal , growing mistrust and manipulation .

Ridley Scott was able to blend genres by using film noir , because of the dark shadows and not a lot of use of lighting in the film but also the film also had elements of an action film.

Davis commented on the movie saying "People didn't really think about the future as a decaying carcass of its own making before Bladerunner"

Ridley's protagonists are noir characters were strongly similar. For example Rachel's character resembles a common 1940's character because of her clothes , hairstyle and makeup . Also Deckard because he is and outsider and a private detective .

One character that you would not usually find in film noir would be Roy Batty . Davis explains the reasons why “Roy Batty is the one figure you don’t easily find in noir” notes Davis. “He’s an extraordinary icarus figure who draws from the Romantic. He’s Frankenstein’s monster, he’s Oedipus. He’s straight out of a William Blake painting. He’s a flamboyant, romantic, terrorist dandy. Batty is the overdone Sydney Greenstreet to Harrison Ford’s underdone Humphrey Bogart.” 

What is Aueter?
An auteur is an artist, usually a film director, who applies a highly centralized and subjective control to many aspects of a collaborative creative work; in other words, a person equivalent to an author of a novel or a play. The aueter theory implies that the standard of reference when viewing a film is the personal input of artistic creativity from the director. It arose in France in the late 1940s, the aueter theory as it was dubbed by the American film critic Andrew Sarris was an outgrowth of the cinematic theories of Andre Bazin and Alexander Astruc. 

Image result for auteur cinema



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